Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Games Coverage and its Network of Ambivalences

by M. Foxman & D. B. Nieborg

This article is an exploratory study of critics’ role in developing the conception of gamer culture and the effect of that culture on their work and identity. Through historical research and textual analysis it claims that critics are ambivalent about their occupation and its place within the culture they helped shape.


Tutored Together Around More than Dialogue: A Review of Evan Skolnick’s Video Game Storytelling: What Every Developer Needs to Know about Narrative Techniques

by J. F. Wood

Video Game Storytelling: What Every Developer Needs to Know about Narrative Techniques, written by Evan Skolnick, provides narrative design guidelines for the purpose of achieving narrative excellence.

The Journal of Games Criticism is a non-profit, peer-reviewed game studies journal that strives to connect the conversations between traditional academics and popular game critics. The journal strives to be a producer of feed-forward approaches to video games criticism with a focus on influencing gamer culture, the design and writing of video games, and the social understanding video games and video game criticism.

ISSN: 2374-202X

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